What does Xanax feel like? Main effects, side effects, and withdrawal

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xanax addiction

Overall, you want to approach a person addicted to Xanax with the intention of communicating your support of their sober efforts. Make sure you are not only telling them how you feel but also listening to what they have to say—how they are feeling, why they use it to the extent that they do, and what they need from you to help them maintain abstinence. Professional guidance can be very helpful in preparing you for this important conversation. One program that has been shown to result in successful treatment enrollment is called Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). Express that you are concerned about their substance use and avoid blaming them; blame the substance instead. Express to them plainly but without judgment how the drug has impacted their life and yours.

xanax addiction

How Many People Use and Abuse Xanax?

Long-term use of benzodiazepine in general is controversial and not recommended, although commonly practiced. It is important to note that physical dependence, usually defined by withdrawal symptoms including seizures, does not require the presence of clinical tolerance, and conversely tolerance may develop without any signs of physical dependence. Alprazolam is one of the most widely prescribed benzodiazepines for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Clinical research data has not fully shed light on its “abuse liability,” yet it is one of the most frequently prescribed benzodiazepines. “Abuse liability” is the degree to which a psychoactive drug has properties that facilitate people misusing it, or becoming addicted to it, and is commonly used in the literature. We have replaced it in our manuscript with “misuse liability” as it reflects a more updated terminology consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

How to Recognize and Treat Xanax Addiction

A doctor can help a person determine the best course of treatment for them. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any treatments for treatment and recovery national institute on drug abuse nida, but a doctor can explain the available medication options that can help reduce cravings during and after detox. When a person seeks treatment for an addiction, the doctor should listen to them and understand their wants and needs before agreeing on suitable treatment goals. The doctor should work with the person to optimize their safety and wellness during treatment. Your healthcare provider cannot know the answers to these questions unless you are willing to participate in your diagnostic process—this means that you have to be interested in being diagnosed and treated. Sometimes family and friends can help in encouraging you to seek help and in pointing out these issues to you.

Xanax Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Progression Cycle

Studies with alprazolam have also shown an increase in dopamine levels in the brain, which are linked to the brain’s reward system. Most drugs involved in misuse or addiction frequently lead to dopamine release. Pharmacologically, Xanax (alprazolam) belongs to the benzodiazepines class of drugs. This class works in the brain by binding to and enhancing the inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA). It also can also cause withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation, which may lead to a pattern of continued drug use and higher doses to help alleviate symptoms. If a person has been taking Xanax for a long time and wants to come off it, they should speak with a healthcare professional to work out a safe method for discontinuing the drug.

How long does Xanax withdrawal last?

Some people take the medication recreationally to feel carefree or overly relaxed. Taking Xanax in combination with alcohol can cause life-threatening side effects. Like Xanax, alcohol enhances the effects of GABA on the central nervous system, which can cause impaired coordination, drowsiness, dizziness, and other physical and psychological effects. When an individual combines Xanax and alcohol, the tranquilizing effects of each substance are intensified.

xanax addiction

After taking Xanax, the peak effects of the drug are typically felt within one to two hours. As an intermediate-duration drug, Xanax stays in a person’s system for 12 to 15 hours. Because Xanax is a CNS Depressant, common effects of the drug include slurred speech, loss of coordination, and anxiety. The drug is extremely addictive and should only be used under a doctor’s supervision. Many people who abuse Xanax are introduced to the medication through a doctor’s prescription.

  1. Support groups—such as 12-step programs—can be used in conjunction with other treatments.
  2. People can become physically dependent on Xanax, especially if they take the medication every day or very often.
  3. Xanax can help people who are in acute distress, but it is not intended for long-term use.

Xanax, a benzodiazepine prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders, has risen in popularity over the years. However, its potential for addiction and abuse cannot be ignored. In this comprehensive guide, we discuss the nuances of how to detox your body while pregnant, including its signs, symptoms, effects, and treatment options, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Others may try it at a party or nightclub by acquiring it from a friend or acquaintance. Because of Xanax’s abuse potential, it is often sold and used illegally. According to the 2015–2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 12.5% of adults in the U.S have used benzodiazepines, whether legally or not. About 2.1% of adults abused benzodiazepines during that same period.

Get you or your loved one help for addiction or mental health issues today. Xanax can be highly addictive, especially when used outside of prescribed guidelines. Alprazolam and its 2 hydroxylated metabolites are known to cross the placenta.

As long as they communicate with their doctor about their treatment, they can develop a plan to discontinue Xanax when necessary. To recover from Xanax addiction, people should taper off the prescription drug by taking lower doses over the course of several days or weeks. Physicians and addiction professionals should oversee the tapering process to ensure safety. This stage begins with tolerance, which involves an increase in frequency or dosage of the drug that the person’s body is able to readily process without experiencing strong effects. Some people will need a shorter amount of time and a lower dosage to become dependent. The process of becoming addicted to Xanax is different for each person.

Addicted individuals may develop strained relationships with significant others, close friends, and family. “Alcohol and benzos are the most potentially serious withdrawals because you can have seizures,” Dr. Kevin Wandler told Drug Rehab.com. Wandler is the chief medical officer of Advanced Recovery Systems, which operates rehab facilities across the United States. The majority of people who misuse Xanax are between the ages of 18 and 25. A small percent of those young adults are introduced to the drug in high school. Xanax is more than twice as popular among high school seniors as the next most popular benzo.

The generic version, alprazolam, is the most frequently prescribed psychotropic medication in the United States. A psychotropic is a medication that affects how the brain functions. Behavioral therapy is an important component of recovery from drug addiction.

Many providers feel pressurized by their patients to continue prescribing as they try to wean them off benzodiazepines, and more-so with alprazolam, given the positive subjective drug effects. Alprazolam should not be prescribed at a higher dose than is US FDA-recommended, and providers should consider discontinuation if patients are requesting higher doses, as it may signal therapeutic tolerance and/or misuse. Alprazolam is not only the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepine, but it is the most commonly prescribed psychotropic medication in the United States, accounting for more than 48 million prescriptions dispensed in 2013 (Grohol, 2016). Based on national emergency department (ED) visit data, alprazolam is the second most common prescription medication and the most common benzodiazepine to be involved in ED visits related to drug misuse (SAMHSA, 2013).

However, people with more severe addictions might need the stability of an inpatient treatment center to recover. The detox and withdrawal from Xanax can cause deadly seizures, so professional guidance is vital during this time of treatment. It’s important that you consider all of your options and choose drug metabolism drugs the treatment program that’s right for you. Xanax—also known by its generic name alprazolam—is a benzodiazepine that comes in either tablet or capsule form. Sometimes called “purple footballs,” “bars,” or “Z-bars,” this drug can cause a high that includes feelings of intense relaxation and drowsiness.

But the drugs can cause life-threatening side effects when taken with other depressants, such as alcohol or opioids. They want relief from social anxiety, and Xanax helps them wind down. Others desire a loose, goofy feeling that’s similar to how people feel when they get drunk. For example, 400 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo suffered serious side effects after taking counterfeit Xanax in 2015. When a person is dependent, they cannot stop using a drug without experiencing withdrawal. Therefore, the urge to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay reinforces substance use.

Xanax is a powerful benzodiazepine that is often prescribed to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorders, and insomnia. It is extremely addictive when used long-term, making Xanax addiction and abuse a serious concern. Xanax is the number one prescribed psychiatric medication in the United States. 70% of teens with a Xanax addiction get the drug from their family’s medicine cabinet.

When you have an addiction, you continue to use a drug regardless of any negative consequences. Physical dependence can occur with or without an addiction to the drug; however, it is a common feature of addiction. Someone living in active addiction is likely to experience a lot of negative emotions, including denial and anger. Your nonjudgmental expression of concern can help to allay hostility and help them to break through their denial. National Library of Medicine, Xanax is addictive if it is used over a prolonged period of time. Anyone who takes Xanax can become addicted, even when they are taking it for legitimate medical needs.

Overdose symptoms may include severe drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, muscle weakness, loss of balance or coordination, feeling light-headed, slow heartbeats, weak or shallow breathing, fainting, or coma. Outpatient treatment takes many forms, with intensive programs requiring multiple hours of therapy daily. If a person notices signs of SUD in themselves or others, they should speak with a doctor.

Once a person has finished treatment, there are different strategies they can use to reduce their risk of reuse. A person should seek immediate medical help if they experience any serious side effects when taking Xanax. Keep reading to learn more about Xanax addiction, how people can treat it, and how to reduce the risk of misusing the medication again in the future.

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